
Branding, Advertising, Marketing
This project entailed completing a photoshoot utilizing different light patterns when completing headshots. My Subject is a member of a wild west reinactment group called the Gold Canyon Gunfighters and he plays the part of Billy the Kid. My personal goal was to show the complexity of his character through his expressions. I utilized Adobe Lightroom and a Nikon camera.

B & W Clothing Photoshoot
Photograpy, Marketing
These images were created for a project in Digital photography. The task was to create a t-shirt campaign for B&W Clothing. My inspiration for the image was black and white product campaigns that captured a personal feel from the model. The top photo is one of my favorites because I
positioned my model in front of a store-front sign. For this project I utilized Adobe Lightroom and a Nikon camera.

Album Cover Photoshoot
Branding, Advertising, Marketing
These two images are the front and back of an album cover. My inspiration for the design was some vintage album covers that I like. For this project, I had to decide on what genre of music that I wanted to create the album for and then choose the clothing and props, and finally utilize my camera to take the pictures. For this project I utilized a Adobe Lightroom and a Nikon camera.